How to be
the Mother

Safe, Hygienic, Practical


TAI-SHINY “Creates and Developed” own brand. 
Series of Baby and Child care medical aids.

Nasal aspirator




Pediatric Medicine Feeder

Pediatric medicine feeder

Pediatric medicine feeder




Antipyretic suppository aid




知母時 吸鼻器 (使用方法)

吸鼻器 (如何清洗) 示範

吸鼻器 (1歲以下)幼兒輔具

Nasal Aspirator (英文版)

吸鼻器 如何(上潤滑油)示範

退熱塞劑輔助器 (使用方法)

Nasal Aspirator (Guide for use)

Daily cleaning of nasal aspirator

Internal parts cleaning and assembly

Handlebar assembly tutorial

Nasal Aspirator (English)

Regular maintenance and lubricating

How to assemble newborn assistive devices

Antipyretic Suppository Aid

CHIBOJI Series Infant Medical Aids

High quality comes from attention to detail-CHIBOJI

Nasal Aspirator (Tips)
Nasal Aspirator (Tips)
Nasal Aspirator (Tips)
Medicine Cup (including lid)
Antipyretic Suppository Aid
Pediatric Medicine Feeder

What They Say

“Traditional nasal aspirators are unhygienic for mothers to use their mouths. Moreover, the straw goes deep into the infant’s nasal cavity, causing Baby to shake his head and cry in fear. The effect is not good. Fortunately, many mothers on the Internet introduce this nasal aspirator. All the previous shortcomings have been improved”, it is a great boon!”

Sweet Mother

“Unexpectedly, it works better than [Made in Japan] Nasal Aspirator”. The husband who loves his baby always gives Xiaobao the best. Although the daily products cost 2,000 yuan, they always feel that it should be more expensive! Erran learned that this Taiwanese self-developed and locally-made nasal aspirator is easier to use and lighter than any imported products on the market (no plug-in/easy to go out). You can’t like this design after you buy it and use it! Proud of Taiwan”

Sakura 桜

“I have a close friend who married to the United States. Last month, I asked me to buy a nasal aspirator for my baby. I also specified the brand [UnderMo]. At first, I didn’t believe it. Then I Googled it and it really sucked my nose. The first place in online shopping for devices. The brand concept is very good. [When you know your mother], you know your parents’ kindness. The selling price is very Buddha-inspired. Although it sells the best, the price is close to the people. It is really for the novice parents to think about the economy.”
